Getting backlinks which are also known as external links, to your webpage from other sites is one of the most efficient ways to increase search engine rankings. Do you wonder Make A High-Quality Backlink ?
But each backlink is valued differently.
High-quality backlinks made by us will significantly improve your SEO position. And low-quality links can make no difference, or even result in a negative effect if they’re regarded
as spams.
You might be tempted to take the help of a black hat SEO agency to build backlinks for your website.
But there’s a reason people call it “black hat.”
It’s the bad side of SEO.
Black hat SEO strategies are unethical, risky, and won’t always help your rankings.
They link your website to other websites that have low-quality domain authority, spam, or are inactive, and linking to too many of these websites can cause damage to your website’s rankings.
As per Google low-quality, backlinks are classified as webspam. These are backlinks that have been made in a fake way to game the system i.e. by black hat SEO agencies and are against Google’s guidelines.
Medium-quality links are easier to have than high-quality links. High-quality links give you the most value but are more difficult to achieve because the standards are higher.
a) Natural
Backlinks must be natural and the website owner should choose to link to your site as it provides value to their visitors and not because you have paid them to.
This is an example of ‘earning’ a backlink.
This is very different from other backlinks where the intention is to fool search engines to believe that a website has a better reputation and in reality, it does not.
If Google believes a backlink is not original or if it is spammy, it will first ignore it, and for repeat offenses, it will demote them in its search engine results.
b) Reputable
Nowadays, search engines look at the social proof of how reliable webpages are. Google has a PageRank algorithm that calculates the reputation of webpages.:
It works by counting the number and quality of links to a page to understand and estimate how important the website is. More important the website more is it likely to receive links from other websites.
The more the number and, the higher the quality of backlinks a webpage gets, the greater is it’s chance of a good ranking for competitive keywords.
Google provided a metric for PageRank, and this is calculated by estimating the reputation of a webpage. This was stopped by google because spammers were using it to buy backlinks which is against the guidelines.
c) Rel link attribute
The ‘rel attribute’, can be added to an HTML link.
Regular HTML links don’t possess the rel attribute, which means that search engines like Google can allow PageRank, from one page to another.
However, HTML links that have values in the rel attribute often don’t pass through the search engine’s reputation.
These include the user-generated content rel attribute and the ‘no follow’ rel attribute.
Once updated Google added ‘sponsored’ and ‘user-generated content’ rel attributes to the existing ‘no follow’ attribute. And Google said that they may be used as a hint for indexing, crawling, and ranking.
How do you find out whether if a link has a rel attribute?
In Google Chrome, by right-clicking on a link and then clicking on inspecting will reveal the HTML and if there is a rel attribute or not.
d) Relevance
A search engine gives importance to the reputation of a domain and the page of a backlink, and they have a similar process for relevancy. Search engines check the relevancy of the
page and domain of a backlink.
If you run a fitness membership website named Peak Fitness and if your main course is called ‘Marathon in Six Months with 5k’ and your website was mentioned as a blog post on a news website and which was about marathon training, then the page’s relevancy of the backlink would help improve to get traffic to your page.
As the website is known for business news, it would not have domain relevancy. If your marathon course was featured on a health-related website, it would get a higher score on page and domain relevance.
e) Building relations
It is one of the easiest ways to build backlinks.
It is relationships are responsible for generating high-quality backlinks to your website.
Public relations do not immediately increase rankings but it will set you up for success in the future.
Public relations is perhaps the most important step in your backlinking journey.
f) Writing competitive content
We use images or examples from pieces of content that are engaging and interesting. For your backlinking strategy, we create great and unique content.
g) Balance between relevancy and reputation
It is important to maintain a balance between relevancy and reputation to achieve a better quality of backlinks.
A high-quality backlink is natural, reputable, and relevant. We can help you get good rankings through medium-quality links, and we do not use low-quality/spam links at any cost.